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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 19

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    Lot 369
    Estimate: $100

    1899 (23 Jan) inwards 'Gruss aus Falkenhain' 4-view coloured PPC to Queensland bearing Germany 10Pf Reichpost tied by rectangular datestamp, Brisbane 3.3.99 datestamp, with 1d affixed and tied by '163' Ray of Stanthorpe 14 MA 99 and unnumbered code 'A' TPO 15 MA 99 cds's, some toning though interesting


    Lot 370
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    1913 (26 Feb) cover to Chile bearing 1d pair (one showing frame flaw) tied by Mackay cds, handstamped '10/(C)TMS', re-addressed on arrival, backstamps of Brisbane, Valparaiso and Calcahuano


    Lot 371
    Estimate: $250

    1915 (22 Feb) inwards cover from Russia, addressed to 'St Mals' bearing 11k tied by Petrograd datestamp, 'PASSED BY CENSOR' in violet, three-line 'POST TOWN/NOT KNOWN/IN QUEENSLAND' in red, with DLO applied on reverse, endorsed and initialled 'Try NSWales'. Fabulous item


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