1890-94 Watermark Crown over Q (II) Perf 12½,13 Sidefaces mint and used range on leaves, with ½d M (6) and U (2), 1d M (8) and U (4), 2d M (11) and U (12), 2½d M (6) and U (9), 3d M (4) and U (8), 4d M (4) and U (8), 6d M (4) and U (6), 2/- M (5) and U (2). Good range of shades, multiples, some varieties, incl 4d 'PENGE' U, condition fine to very fine, a good lot. SG 184-198. cat min £1000+
1895-96 Figures in Lower Corners 2½d Imperforate Colour trials on Thin Bluish Unwatermarked Paper (used for the selection of colour for the 1899 2½d), horizontal pairs in Pale Carmine, Carmine, Dull Carmine, Light Brown, Pale Reddish-lilac, Pale Reddish-purple fine and very scarce. BW Q23(PP)1A,B,C,E,F,G, cat AU$9000 (12)
1895-96 Figures in Lower Corners 2½d Perf 12½,13 Colour Trials on Unwatermarked Bluish Paper in Carmine (2, one no gum, other part OG but with two straight edges), used for the selection of colour of the 1899 Figures in Four Corners 2½d. BW Q23(PP)2, cat AU$1000 (2)
1897-1907 Figures in Four Corners Watermark Crown over Q (II) Perf 12½,13 Plate Proof in Dull Claret on Blue, prepared as a Colour Trial for the change of colour from Rose, very fine large part OG (lower pair MUH). BW Q23(PP)3C, cat AU$2000
1899 ½d 'Widow's Weeds' Watermark Crown over Q (II) Perf 12 mint blocks of 4 (2, both MUH), mint pairs (2) and singles (4) all fine to very fine, also Perf 12½,13 mint (3) and used (2). A scarce perforation especially in multiple form. BW Q3, cat AU$3200