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    General Sale No. 31

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    Lot 325
    Estimate: $700T Realised Price : $950

    Patchy collection with NSW Imperf (6d) registered (2), Diadems 3d (2), 6d (7), 1/- (2), variable margins, 1860-72 to 1/- (2, one unused), 1884-94 10/- used, and optd 'OS' + 'Specimen', Official 1880-88 5/- Coin used, 1882-85 4d perf 12 unused (cat £200); QLD Imperf 6d (trimmed all sides), 1880 ½d on 1d used, (6d) registered mint; SA Imperf 1d (touched lower left, thin), 6d (2, one with margins) used, 1902-04 10/- mint; TAS imperf 2d (4), Strahan Marine Board frank cut-out, VIC Laureate 8d orange used, later to 5/- mint; WA 10/- mint, etc, many fine, (600+)


    Lot 326
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $90

    Oddments with Victoria 1902-12 Wmk V over Crown to 5/- (2 shades, thin in one) mint including 1½d block of 4 **, cat £250 approx; Queensland 1d burele band block of 9 mint, £1 used; Tasmania 1871-78 1d deep rose (2) mint, etc (35)

    Lot 327
    Estimate: $600

    1894-1907 collection of packet and steamship covers comprising inwards (5) from US (2), French Colonies (2) and GB; outwards (14) from NSW (4), Queensland (2), Victoria (5), WA (3), various markings, cachets, TPO's including English Mail TPO used as a tying datestamp, etc, various ship companies, mixed condition (19 items)


    Lot 328
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    Postmarks on leaves, all States represented, possible pickings, odd better stamp (100s)

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