Lot 619
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $300 |
Postal Card: 1922 KGV 2d Scarlet, colour diffused, CTO '23JY23' and handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in black, being similar to Samuel type BEC2
Lot 620
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $230 |
Postal Card: 1924 KGV 1½d Scarlet octagon with impression of another item impressed, CTO '11MY24' and handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in black, being similar to Samuel type BEC2
Lot 621
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
Postal Card: 1923 KGV 1d Violet/buff, CTO '2 NO 3' and handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in black, being similar to Samuel type BEC2
Lot 622
| |
Envelopes: 1923 (28 Nov) use of KGV 'THREE/HALFPENCE' on 2d Orange without postage to Switzerland, uprated with 1½d Green cancelled with slogan 'BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION/LONDON APRIL 1924/AUSTRALIA'S OPPORTUNITY'. Early use of 3d per 1oz rate for foreign countries
Lot 623
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $230 |
Envelopes: 1923 KGV 'THREE/HALFPENCE' on 2d Scarlet octagon, CTO '19DEC23', impression of another item impressed, and handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in black, being similar to Samuel type BEC2
Lot 624
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $750 |
Envelopes: 1942 KGVI 2½d Red oval with security within in grey-black (ASC E25b, H&G B26b) handstamped 'SPECIMEN' twice in violet
Lot 625
| |
Official Envelope: 1919 KGV 1d Red ('OS' of dots) + ½d Green solid 'O S' (H&G DB4), Envelope for 'Deputy Commissioner of Maternity Allowances' used 5MR1919 to Footscray, small flap faults
Lot 626
| | Estimate: $4,000 | Realised Price : $3,000 |
Official Envelope: 1920 KGV 1½d Brown + ½d Green solid 'O S' (H&G unlisted), for 'Deputy Commissioner of Maternity Allowances' used 17DE1920 to St Kilda, small flap crease. [The only recorded used example]
Lot 627
| |
Official Envelope: 1920 KGV 2d Orange solid 'O S' (H&G DB8), window envelope for Commonwealth Treasury, Melbourne ', used 15 June 1921 from Melbourne
Lot 628
| | Estimate: $1,250 | Realised Price : $950 |
Printed to Private Order Envelope: 1914 KGV ½d Green on blue stock (Menuz #8, H&G KB3) for 'Shire of Colac', uprated with ½d Green used '17AP16' to Melbourne paying the ½oz letter rate
Lot 629
| | Estimate: $1,250 | Realised Price : $1,100 |
Printed to Private Order Envelope: 1930 KGV oval 1d Green + 1d Green window type (Menuz #55, H&G KB22) for 'H.M. Leggo & Co.' used 1934 (31 May) from Melbourne with Centenary slogan cancel
Lot 630
| | Estimate: $1,750 | Realised Price : $3,800 |
Printed to Private Order Envelope: 1938 KGV oval 1d Green + KGVI 1d Green (Menuz #68, H&G unlisted) used Hobart to NSW 14.4.1938 which is the earliest recorded usage. Outstanding item
Lot 631
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $300 |
Registered Envelope: 1923 KGV 'FOURPENCE/HALFPENNY' on 5d Brown, CTO '19DE23' and handstamped 'SPECIMEN', being similar to Samuel type BEC2
Lot 632
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $190 |
Wrapper: 1923 KGV 1d Green Die I with impression of another item on front, CTO '14MY24' and handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in black, similar to Samuel type BEC2